Odisha +3 Admission 2019: Department of Higher Education (DHE), Odisha has released the first merit list for +3 admission or degree admission. The Odisha +3 admission merit list is available on the official website. Students who have been allotted a seat in the first list have to pay admission fee by logging into SAMS portal. The last date to pay admission fee is July 21, 2019 till 5:00 pm.
Odisha +3 Admission 2019: How To Check Merit List?
Step one: Go to SAMS portal: http://samsodisha.gov.in/
Step two: Click on the link for Degree (+3) admission.
Step three: Click on the merit list link.
Step four: Fill in all the details.
Step five: Submit and view your allotment status.
The merit list has been released separately for students in the PwD category.
Odisha +3 Admission Merit List: Direct Link
Odisha +3 Admission Merit List For PwD Students: Direct Link
Candidates who have been allotted a seat in the first round can download their intimation letter by logging into their candidate's account.
This year, as per the data available on the SAMS portal, 2,37,215 students had registered for the web-counselling and admission into degree courses in Odisha. Out of those who registered, 2,16,534 applied online and the final number of applications received was 94,708.
A total of 1,047 degree colleges are participating in the online degree admission process.
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