Odisha Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik on Tuesday laid the foundation stone of Odia University in Puri district. The ground-breaking ceremony marked the 141st birth anniversary of 'Utkalamani' Gopabandhu Das, a renowned poet, essayist and social activist born in 1877 in Puri.
The university aims to promote Odia language across the country. It will offer post-graduate courses in Odia language and literature and facilitate research on different aspects of the language.
CM @Naveen_Odisha paid floral tributes to Late Utkalmani Gopabandhu Das on birth anniversary. On this occasion, he laid foundation stone of Odia University near Bakula Bana which will propagate the lofty ideals of Panchasakha and help enrich Odia language, literature & culture pic.twitter.com/uhXOILS9tA
— CMO Odisha (@CMO_Odisha) October 9, 2018
On the occasion, the Chief Minister offered floral tributes to the 'Panchasakha' (five friends) - Gopabandhu Das, Krupasindhu Mishra, Harihar Das, Pandit Godavarish Mishra and Nilakantha Das.
The 'Panchasakha' had set up 'Bakula Bana Vidyalaya', the first model open school in the state at Sakhigopal, in 1909.
(This story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.)