This Article is From Apr 18, 2020

Petition Rejects 'Discriminatory' Online Examinations During Lockdown

Even as Delhi University mulls online semester examinations, a petition is doing rounds which call online examinations discriminatory in nature.

Petition Rejects 'Discriminatory' Online Examinations During Lockdown
An online petition has called the idea of online semester examinations 'discriminatory'
New Delhi:

Even as universities mull over online semester examinations, a petition is doing rounds which calls online examinations discriminatory in nature. The petition, which was started by 'Collective', an independent student organization base out of Delhi, has found 154 supporters so far out of the 200 it seeks to get.

The petition says that taking cue from private universities like Amity and OP Jindal University, which have resorted to online examinations, several state run universities, reportedly, have also decided to go the same way.

Public education institutes are a hub for students from a wide variety of backgrounds. The petition reasons that home internet access is limited only to 12.5 % Indians as per NSSO 2014, and a majority of students may find it difficult to find a corner in their homes where they can sit and concentrate on studies.

The petition also takes up the case for different categories of students and how the online mode of education may prove to be exclusive of several vulnerable groups.

"The premise of any examination is that all students must be able to prepare for it on an equal footing. The internet and digital mediums can be used to promote such equality if this principle is valued but without doing so, online examinations, MCQ-based 'standardised testing' and other such alternatives only deepen the inequality of opportunity within the education system," it says.

The petition certainly raises some valid points since in the past weeks students and teachers alike have come across several hurdles in the online mode of education.

"I'm signing this petition because even during online classes I face the network issue. So I can imagine the scenario of the examination being conducted online. And I know few of my friends who don't even have access to the gadgets that is android phone and laptop. And if still the university is going to conduct online examination, it is going to be a big failure," wrote a supporter who has signed the petition.

The online education has also led to an increase in cyber bullying with Delhi University professors complaining of online harassment while taking a virtual class.

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