Rajasthan BSTC Admit Card 2019: Know How To Download
New Delhi:
For the Rajasthan BSTC exam which is scheduled to be held on May 26, admit cards have been released. Download Admit Card. Soon after downloading BSTC admit card candidates should retain the copy of the admit card and take its printout. Candidates have to carry the admit card to the exam centre. The exam paper will consist of questions related to aptitude, general knowledge and the subject concerned. The exam will carry a total of 150 marks.
Rajasthan BSTC Admit Card 2019: Know How To Download
- Go to the official website
- Click on 'BSTC 2019 admit card'
- Candidates can download the admit card using their form number, token number, roll number, general details (name, father's name, mother's name, date of birth) or mobile number.
- Submit the details
- Take a printout
Formerly known as BSTC or the Basic School Teaching Course (BSTC), the pre D.El.Ed exam will be of three hours duration (2 pm to 5 pm). Candidates can download the Rajasthan BSTC admit card using their form number, roll number and mobile number.
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