RPSC Programmer Exam 2024: Steps To Apply
- Go to the official website, rpsc.rajasthan.gov.in
- Navigate to the Application Section on the homepage
- Click on the link related to the Programmer Exam 2024
- Fill in the required information
- Submit and save the PDF for future reference
The official notification reads: "If any candidate applying online wants to make changes in his/her online application form, then during the application period and within 10 days after the last date of the application form, he/she can do so by paying the prescribed fee of Rs 500 online. The option for online edits will be opened for 7 days, 60 days before the first declared examination date by the Commission, under which the candidate's photo, name, and father's name can be uploaded."
RPSC Programmer Exam 2024: Pattern
There are two papers in total in the Programmer Exam, consisting of 200 questions. Paper-I and Paper-II each consist of 100 questions, each worth 1 mark, making a total of 100 marks per paper. The duration for both papers is 2 hours. Negative marking shall be applicable in the evaluation of answers. For every wrong answer, one-third of the marks prescribed for that particular question shall be deducted.