Rajya Sabha offers internship to students to provide them an opportunity to acquaint themselves with the working of Indian Parliament. The internship is offered to students under Rajya Sabha Research and Study (RSRS) scheme. The student engagement internship opportunity is open for those pursuing graduation or post-graduation courses in any discipline. The internship will be of two months duration and will be held during summer vacation. The interns would be paid a consolidated amount of Rs.10,000 per month as stipend. A total of 10 internships will be offered.
Students can apply for the internship on or before March 31. "Duly filled in application may be sent to Shri S. D. Nautiyal, Joint Secretary, Rajya Sabha Secretariat, Room No. 517, Fifth Floor, Parliament House Annexe, New Delhi - 110001 or may be forwarded through e-mail at rssei.rsrs@sansad.nic.in on or before 31st March, 2020," reads the notification released by the Rajya Sabha Secretariat.
The scheme was started in 2009 with the objective of promoting research on different aspects of parliamentary democracy in India. "The broad objective of the Scheme is 'to promote research/empirical/ comparative study of the functioning of Parliament and other democratic institutions and analyse their contributions to the country's socio-economic transformation; and to ensure the utility of the research study to the functioning of Parliament'," reads an official statement released on July 2019.
The Rajya Sabha also offers Fellowships. Former Members of Parliament/ State Legislatures and former officers of Parliament/ State Legislature Secretariats are also for the Fellowship along with scholars who have relevant educational qualification/experience for undertaking the study in line with the objective of the Scheme. The duration of the Fellowship is 18 months. The fellows are entitled to get a grant of Rs 8 lakhs plus Rs.50,000 as contingency grant.
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