RBSE or Rajasthan Board of Secondary Education will announce the class 12th arts result today. The board result will be announced at 3 pm and will be available on the official result portal rajresults.nic.in. Reportedly, more than 5 lakh students took the exam this year at senior secondary level in arts stream. The RBSE 12th result for arts students is coming a week after the science and commerce results in which 92.88% and 91.46% students have qualified, respectively. Last year the arts result came on June 1.
RBSE 12th result portals
The Rajasthan board of secondary education (RBSE) will release the class 12th arts result on rajresults.nic.in. As of now this official result portal has the result links of class 12 science and class 12 commerce result. The arts result link will be available soon. Students can check the marks obtained using their roll number as login credential.
RBSE 12th result mark sheet, pass certificate
Immediately after declaring the class 12th arts result, the Rajasthan Board of Secondary Education (RBSE) will issue pass certificates and mark sheets to the students which can be collected from the respective schools. Students can save a copy of the online mark statement and take its printout. The print copy of the result can be used for reference only till official document is issued by the Board. Students can collect the same from their respective schools.
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