This Article is From Dec 14, 2017

Rajasthan Board Suspends Two Teachers Over Spelling Errors In Class 10 Question Paper

The topic of concern is that the exam paper set for class 10 students has a passage on Prime Minister Narendra Modi and has many gross mistakes.

Rajasthan Board Suspends Two Teachers Over Spelling Errors In Class 10 Question Paper
RBSE Suspends Two Teachers Over Spelling Errors In Class 10 Question Paper
New Delhi: An erroneous question paper has hit the headlines, since few days, prepared by Rajasthan Board of Secondary Education. The topic of concern is that the exam paper set for class 10 students has a passage on Prime Minister Narendra Modi and has few gross mistakes. The last sentence of the error laden question paper reads, 'As a spoker he is known as a croad-puller. He is the most sovy political leader of India.' Negligence has been made at two levels: the teachers who prepared and reviewed the half yearly question paper and at the printing press.

Rajasthan Board of Secondary Education (RBSE) has suspended the two teachers and 'a decision to penalise a printing press was taken after an error-ridden question paper for Class X students appearing for their half-yearly English exam left education officials in Rajasthan red-faced,' reports news agency PTI.

According to Ratan Singh Yadav, Jaipur District Education Officer, 'One of the teachers, Ritu Srivastava, prepared the question paper and another teacher, Sarita Yadav, moderated it but the errors were there in the paper on Monday. Nearly 15-16 errors were made at the level of the teachers and the printing press was responsible for 12-13 inaccuracies. All errors were related to spellings. There was no factual or conceptual error in the paper.'

"The paper was distributed in all government and private schools in Jaipur affiliated to the Rajasthan Board of Secondary Education, Ajmer," he said.

There are more than 2 lakh students in about 35,000 government and private schools in Jaipur which are affiliated to the RBSE.

Though not similar to this issue, but questions set for MA history and political science students at Banaras Hindu University enraged the students of affiliated colleges when they were asked to write essay on GST in Kautilya Arthshastra, Manu as the is the first Indian Thinker of Globalisation. Questions have also been asked about Padmavati's Johar, Triple Talaq and Halala.

The question paper also has spelling errors for Rashtrapati Bhawan and Gujarat. 

(With Inputs From PTI)

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