The National Testing Agency has announced final results for the Junior Assistant-cum-Typist (JAT) of Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) recruitment exam 2023. The results have been announced on October 5, 2023.
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Candidates who appeared in the exam can check their results on the offical website.
The results have been announced for the candidates who applied for the non-teaching posts in the Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) for the post of Junior Assistant-cum-Typist (JAT) recruitment.
The written test of the exam was conducted on July 31, 2023. The skill test of shortlisted candidates in written test was conducted on September 19. The final results are evaluated on the basis of the candidates' written and skill test. This recruitment drive will fill up 200 posts of Junior Assistant cum Typist at IGNOU.
As per the official notification released by the National Testing Agency, the result and candidature of candidates is purely provisional and subject to verification of documents and other eligibility criteria as mentioned in the Information Brochure. In case of any errors, the agency reserves the right to rectify the same, the notification read.
Steps To Check The IGNOU JAT Result 2023
Step 1- Visit the official site of NTA Recruitment
Step 2- On the homepage, click on IGNOU JAT Final Result 2023 link
Step 3- A new PDF file will open where candidates can check their names and roll numbers.
Step 4- Download the page and keep a hard copy of the same for further need.