RRB Technician Application Status 2024: The Railway Recruitment Boards (RRBs) have released the application status for the Technician Grade 1 (Signal) recruitment exam for 2024.
Candidates who have registered for the exam can now check their application status by visiting the official website, rrbapply.gov.in.
This recruitment drive aims to fill 14,298 Technician vacancies. The computer-based test (CBT) is scheduled to be held from December 12 to December 29, 2024.
RRB Technician 2024: Steps To Check Application Status
Step 1. Go to the official website, rrbapply.gov.in
Step 2. On the homepage, click on 'Already Have an Account' under the Apply section
Step 3. You will be redirected to a new page
Step 4. Enter your login credentials, such as your email address and password
Step 5. Check your application status and save it
The official notification reads: "As per 02/2024 (Technician), Technician Grade 1. Applications were invited for the post of Signal. Scrutiny of applications has been completed, and candidates can log in to www.rrbapply.gov.in with their user credentials to check: (i) Provisionally Accepted, (ii) Provisionally Accepted with Conditions, and (iii) Rejected (in case of rejection). You can check the status of your application. SMS and email notifications will be sent to the registered mobile number and email ID mentioned in the application(s) submitted by the candidate(s) regarding the application status."
The recruitment process for the RRB exam is fully computerised, and selection is solely based on candidates' merit. No external influence or illegal consideration can alter the outcome. Candidates are advised to rely only on the official recruitment process and avoid falling prey to fraudulent schemes.