SOL result 2019: The School of Open Learning (SOL) of Delhi University (DU) has released SOL result 2019 for BA Programme today. According to an official, DU SOL result for the first year students of Bachelor of Arts (BA) Programme today. The official also confirmed that the SOL results for BA third year students have also been released this week. Candidates who had appeared for the exam can check the result from the official website. With this, all the results have been uploaded on the official website, according the official. The SOL results are available on the official portal, sol.du.ac.in.
The School conducts annual examinations in May and June and the corresponding results are declared in October.
Earlier in the first week of October, the SOL result for more than 80,000 B.A first year students were uploaded on the website.
DU SOL result 2019: How to check

DU SOL result 2019: The results have been released on the official portal of School of Open Learning, Delhi University.
Follow the steps given here to download your SOL results:
Step 1: Visit the offiical of DU SOL, sol.du.ac.in
Step 2: Click on the "Marksheet/Results (B.A. Prog Part-I,II,III, B.Com. Part-I,II,III, B.A.(H)Pol.Sc., B.A.(H)Eng., B.Com.(H))" link given on the homepage
Step 3: Enter the exam registration details
Step 4: Click on "Show"
Step 5: Check your DU SOL result and marksheets from next page
In a related development in the first week of this month, taking a step forward in the direction of Distance Education, the SOL, which offers under-graduate courses in the distance mode, has decided to offer courses in online mode too.
SOL is among four institutes whose proposal for online course was approved by UGC.
The online course is aimed at attracting global students who would be able to access the course material from the University's website.
An official from UGC spoke to NDTV on phone and said that SOL will upload the learning materials on its website by November this year and start enrolling students in the program from January 2020.
The courses which are, reportedly, on offer are the same courses which were being offered by SOL in distance mode - BA, B.Com., BA English Honors, BA Political Science Honors, and B.Com. Honors.
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