Candidates who have applied for the exam can now download their admit cards from the official CRPF website, rect.crpf.gov.in.
Steps to Download Admit Cards Online:
- Go to the Official CRPF Recruitment Portal, rect.crpf.gov.in
- Navigate to the Admit Card Section and click on the link for SSC GD 2024 admit cards
- Provide Your Login Credentials such as registration number and date of birth
- Click the download button to save the admit card PDF
- Take a printout of your admit card for future reference
The official notification reads: "The PST/PET events followed by DV/DME & RME of CT(GD) Exam-2024 in CAPFs, SSF, Rifleman (GD) in Assam Rifles and Sepoy in NCB for CBE-qualified/shortlisted candidates are scheduled from 23/09/2024 onwards."
"All candidates are directed to bring a printed copy of the E-Admit card at the time of PST/PET followed by DV/DME. Candidates will not be permitted for PST/PET and DV/DME/RME without their Admit Cards," the notification further reads.
The exam will be conducted in computer-based mode for the recruitment of Constable (GD) / Rifleman (GD) in various forces/organizations. The recruitment is being done for the Border Security Force (BSF), Central Industrial Security Force (CISF), Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF), Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB), Indo-Tibetan Border Police (ITBP), Assam Rifles (AR), and Secretariat Security Force (SSF).