Study Abroad: 5 Happiest Countries To Pursue Higher Education
New Delhi:
Every year almost 3 lakh Indian students head abroad to pursue higher studies. The criteria which students consider before settling on where they want to study, differs for each student. Some pay attention to the course, some pay attention to the ranking of the university, others prefer countries which offer all the best student facilities at a lower cost. Every country has its own catch for students, however, while looking for a study abroad destination, students should also consider going to a country which offer a peaceful and tranquil stay for students.
What could be more exciting, than being surrounded by happy faces while attending lectures on your favorite subject. If studying at a country where happiness is as important as getting a degree is in your priority list, then you should check out the following list of countries which feature on the top of happiness index for its inhabitants.
The list consists of the top five countries in the World Happiness Report 2017. The report is brought out by a United Nation's agency every year since 2012. Out of the top 5, four are Nordic countries. 
1. Norway: Norway not just features ta the top for being the happiest country in the world but is also among the countries which cost low to zero for higher education in the world. The application fee is low even for International students who may have to pay a semester fee. The living cost is high though. University of Oslo is the top ranking University in Norway.
2. Denmark: Denmark, the neighboring country to Norway, is second on the list. While education is free for European students, students from other countries have to pay tuition fee. Studying in Denmark can be an exhilarating experience as the country is known for scenic beauty, world-class cuisine and beautiful cities. The University of Copenhagen is the top ranking University in Denmark.

3. Iceland: Iceland ranks third in the list of happiest countries. The country has a total of seven universities none of which feature in the top University ranking. Studying at Iceland, however, is cheap for International students. The living cost, as in case of Norway, can again be expensive.
4. Switzerland: If you wish to study at one of prettiest and happiest countries in the world head over to Switzerland. The tuition is not free but is also not too high. Living can be expensive in Switzerland. Two Swiss Universities, ETH Zurich (The Swiss Federal Institute of Technology and Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), feature in the list of top 20 Universities in the world (QS).

5. Finland: Finland is not only the 5th happiest country on earth but also boasts of one of the best education system in the world. Education in Finland was free until recently when plans were announced to introduce tuition fee for non-EU students. Nonetheless, with the best education system in the world, Finland is worth packing your bags and heading over to for higher education.
Also Read: 5 Countries Which Offer Cheapest Education To International Students
Also Read: Steps To Apply For A Foreign Education
What could be more exciting, than being surrounded by happy faces while attending lectures on your favorite subject. If studying at a country where happiness is as important as getting a degree is in your priority list, then you should check out the following list of countries which feature on the top of happiness index for its inhabitants.
The list consists of the top five countries in the World Happiness Report 2017. The report is brought out by a United Nation's agency every year since 2012. Out of the top 5, four are Nordic countries.

1. Norway: Norway not just features ta the top for being the happiest country in the world but is also among the countries which cost low to zero for higher education in the world. The application fee is low even for International students who may have to pay a semester fee. The living cost is high though. University of Oslo is the top ranking University in Norway.

2. Denmark: Denmark, the neighboring country to Norway, is second on the list. While education is free for European students, students from other countries have to pay tuition fee. Studying in Denmark can be an exhilarating experience as the country is known for scenic beauty, world-class cuisine and beautiful cities. The University of Copenhagen is the top ranking University in Denmark.

3. Iceland: Iceland ranks third in the list of happiest countries. The country has a total of seven universities none of which feature in the top University ranking. Studying at Iceland, however, is cheap for International students. The living cost, as in case of Norway, can again be expensive.

4. Switzerland: If you wish to study at one of prettiest and happiest countries in the world head over to Switzerland. The tuition is not free but is also not too high. Living can be expensive in Switzerland. Two Swiss Universities, ETH Zurich (The Swiss Federal Institute of Technology and Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), feature in the list of top 20 Universities in the world (QS).

5. Finland: Finland is not only the 5th happiest country on earth but also boasts of one of the best education system in the world. Education in Finland was free until recently when plans were announced to introduce tuition fee for non-EU students. Nonetheless, with the best education system in the world, Finland is worth packing your bags and heading over to for higher education.
Also Read: 5 Countries Which Offer Cheapest Education To International Students
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