The application process for the prestigious Rhodes Scholarship has begun. There are 5 scholarships available for Indian students and the last date to apply for the scholarship is July 31, 2018. Rhodes Scholarship, administered by the Rhodes Trust in Oxford, is fully-funded scholarship for postgraduate at Oxford University. A notable Rhodes Scholar from India is Atishi Marlena who as recently in news for the educational reforms she introduced in Delhi Government schools resulting in incredible transformation in the performance of government school students.
Eligibility for Rhodes Scholarship 2019
Applicant must be a citizen of India, holding an Indian passport, or equivalent proof of citizenship. PIO or OCI card holders are not eligible.
Applicant must have completed their formal study at an educational institution in India for a minimum of 4 of the last 10 years, and have either (i) completed a school leaving exam (10th or 12th standard) at a school in India, or (ii) have received, or be in the final year of, an undergraduate degree at a university in India.
Applicant must have reached their 19th and not have passed their 25th birthday on 1 October 2019, which means you must have been born after 30 September 1994 and on or before 1 October 2000. For candidates pursuing medical degree or medical doctors who are pursuing, or who have completed, their one-year internship (CRRI), the age limit is extended by one year.
Applicant must have completed (or will have completed by June / July 2019) your undergraduate degree with First Class, or equivalent.
Application Process
Studenst who fulfill the eligibility criteria can apply for the scholarship at http://www.rhodeshouse.ox.ac.uk via the scholarships tab. Applicants will have to include the following documents in their application form:
- Birth certificate confirming that applicant meets the age criterion;
- A copy of a valid passport (with translation, if necessary), confirming that applicant meets the citizenship criteria.
- An official transcript from the college or university at which the applicant is studying, or has studied, showing grades achieved (to date).
- If the applicant is neither a graduate of a university in India nor in the final year of undergraduate study at a university in India, they must provide evidence of formal study at an educational institution in India for at least 4 of the last 10 years as of the date of application and completion of a school leaving exam at a school in India (10th or 12th grade).
- A full curriculum vitae which should include details about academic qualifications, prizes, scholarships, positions of leadership, employment positions, involvement in student, voluntary, community or political activities and any cultural, musical or sporting accomplishments. This should not exceed two A4 (12pt) pages in length. Please do not include a photograph in your CV.
- A head-and-shoulders colour photograph (jpg format). Please note your photo will not be available to the selection committee until after final shortlisting decisions have been made.
- A personal statement of no more than 1,000 words.
Applicant will also need to provide a list of 6 refrees who would be willing to submit references on behalf of the applicant.
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