Study Abroad: Scholarships To Study In Australia

The scholarships are awarded based on the academic record of the students.

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New Delhi:

The government and universities in Australia award scholarship to students based on their academic score and past record. However, each scholarship has its own eligibility criteria. Some scholarships are only available to students from a certain country, or with certain qualifications. Other scholarships may require proof of academic success in order to continue.

Australia Awards
The Australia Awards Scholarships (AAS) program offers government-funded grants to students from a selection of developing countries who can show leadership qualities and a drive for change. The program is developed for students who wish to return to their country and utilize the skill and knowledge for contribution to their nations' development upon graduation.  

Destination Australia
The Destination Australia Program (DAP) is an Australian Government program that funds eligible tertiary education providers to offer scholarships to domestic and international students to study in regional Australia. The scholarships are available to students studying courses ranging from a Certificate IV through to a doctorate (such as a PhD) for up to four years in regional campus locations across Australia. This means any location outside of major cities in Australia.

Australian Government Research Training Program (RTP)
The Australian Government Research Training Program (RTP) funds domestic and international students who are undertaking research doctorate and research masters level degrees. Applications for these scholarships are made directly to a participating university. The universities are responsible for managing the RTP application, selection and offer process. 

Macquarie University Scholarships
This scholarship is awarded to exceptional students who enroll in undergraduate or graduate program at the Macquarie University North Ryde campus. The scholarship will cover a portion of their tuition costs of upto AU$ 10,000.

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