British Library To Host Talks On Subjects Taught At Hogwarts
New Delhi:
The British Library, United Kingdom, is organizing a series of talks titled The Hogwarts Curriculum Lectures. These talks by eminent academics and researchers in their field will explore the subjects taught at Hogwarts, a magical school created by J.K. Rowling in the Harry Potter universe, with a different perspective. These lectures will be organized at Knowledge Centre of the British Library. The lectures would cover a wide variety of topics from Astronomy to Alchemy and from history to botany.
It is not a secret that Harry Potter and his friends studied some curiously named subjects at Hogwarts to become good at wizardry. Though completely fictional, the Harry Potter Universe draws heavily from the real world and historical accounts.
These lectures are intended to take on the subjects taught in Hogwarts and present them with a new perspective. The first lecture is scheduled on October 29, 2017. The series of nine lectures would end on February 15, 2018.
The first lecture is on Astronomy. In Hogwarts, Astronomy was taught by Aurora Sinistra. The talk on Astronomy, in the Hogwrats Curriculum Lecture, will be given by Maggie Aderin-Pocock who is a physicist and will talk about space.
The next lecture is Herbology with Anna Pavord scheduled on November 12, 2017. At Hogwarts, Herbology was taught by Professor Sprout, who was later replaced by Neville Longbottom. Anna Pavord would talk about plants and their history.
Then there is Potions with Jane Pettigrew. At Hogwarts, Potions was taught by Professor Snape and then by Professor Slughorn. Jane Pettigrew would, however not discuss veritaserum, but talk about the history, production, benefits and effects of tea.
The talk on Care of Magical Creatures will be delivered by Patrick Aryee who will, a la Newt Scamander and Hagrid style, talk about wonderful animals he encountered during his travels.
The talk on Alchemy will be delivered by the Science Museum's Roger Highfield, author of The Science of Harry Potter, and Dr Sophie Waring, Curator of Chemistry who would explore the real history of alchemy and the magical effects that can be achieved through science.
History of Magic was the only subject taught by a ghost at Hogwarts. The talk on History of Magic will be delivered by Irving Finkel who would talk about historic practices of Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia in association with the British Museum.
Defence Against the Dark Arts or fondly called DADA, which also happened to be Harry Potter's favorite subject, saw a host of teachers during the seven years at Hogwarts including fan favorite Remus Lupin. The talk on Defence Against the Dark Arts will be delivered by Christopher Frayling who will explore the history and myths surrounding vampires.
The talk on Charms would be delivered by David Halpern who will reveal how the insights of behavioural economics can be used to influence the behaviour of individuals.
The last lecture will be on Divination delivered by Marc Salem who will explore how we deduce, or divine, meaning from non-verbal signs.
The talks are all ticketed events and interested attendees can book their tickets and check the complete schedule of the talks from the official British Library website.
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It is not a secret that Harry Potter and his friends studied some curiously named subjects at Hogwarts to become good at wizardry. Though completely fictional, the Harry Potter Universe draws heavily from the real world and historical accounts.
These lectures are intended to take on the subjects taught in Hogwarts and present them with a new perspective. The first lecture is scheduled on October 29, 2017. The series of nine lectures would end on February 15, 2018.
The first lecture is on Astronomy. In Hogwarts, Astronomy was taught by Aurora Sinistra. The talk on Astronomy, in the Hogwrats Curriculum Lecture, will be given by Maggie Aderin-Pocock who is a physicist and will talk about space.
The next lecture is Herbology with Anna Pavord scheduled on November 12, 2017. At Hogwarts, Herbology was taught by Professor Sprout, who was later replaced by Neville Longbottom. Anna Pavord would talk about plants and their history.
Then there is Potions with Jane Pettigrew. At Hogwarts, Potions was taught by Professor Snape and then by Professor Slughorn. Jane Pettigrew would, however not discuss veritaserum, but talk about the history, production, benefits and effects of tea.
The talk on Care of Magical Creatures will be delivered by Patrick Aryee who will, a la Newt Scamander and Hagrid style, talk about wonderful animals he encountered during his travels.
The talk on Alchemy will be delivered by the Science Museum's Roger Highfield, author of The Science of Harry Potter, and Dr Sophie Waring, Curator of Chemistry who would explore the real history of alchemy and the magical effects that can be achieved through science.
History of Magic was the only subject taught by a ghost at Hogwarts. The talk on History of Magic will be delivered by Irving Finkel who would talk about historic practices of Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia in association with the British Museum.
Defence Against the Dark Arts or fondly called DADA, which also happened to be Harry Potter's favorite subject, saw a host of teachers during the seven years at Hogwarts including fan favorite Remus Lupin. The talk on Defence Against the Dark Arts will be delivered by Christopher Frayling who will explore the history and myths surrounding vampires.
The talk on Charms would be delivered by David Halpern who will reveal how the insights of behavioural economics can be used to influence the behaviour of individuals.
The last lecture will be on Divination delivered by Marc Salem who will explore how we deduce, or divine, meaning from non-verbal signs.
The talks are all ticketed events and interested attendees can book their tickets and check the complete schedule of the talks from the official British Library website.
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