Success Story Of Sudeeksha Bhati: From Bulandshahr To Babson College, Massachusetts
New Delhi:
In an extra ordinary fete, Sudeeksha Bhati from Bulandshahr has grabbed a seat in the prestigious Babson College, Wellesley, Massachusetts. The district topper has secured 98% in CBSE class 12 exam in Humanities stream. Daughter of a farmer, Sudeeksha, has received full time scholarship to pursue her undergraduate studies in entrepreneurship at the Babson College in Massachusetts, USA. Babson College is one of the most prestigious entrepreneurship colleges in the United States. Adding more to her journey of grit determination, Sudeeksha, is one of the few girls in her village who has the chance to receive education. CBSE class 12 result was announced on May 26, 2018. 83.01% students have cleared the exam this year, nationwide.
A student of VidyaGyan School, an initiative of the Shiv Nadar Foundation, Sudeeksha has scored perfect 100 in History and Economics. She has scored 99 in Geography. Apart from her, other students of her school who have bagged such prestigious scholarships to study abroad are Hemlata Sharma (Bryn Mawr College), Gulesh Shukla (Haverford College) and Piyush Saini (University of Rochester).
Sudeeksha believes that that education is the only weapon that can empower women to have a voice and take charge of their lives.
With her bag full of accolades, Sudeeksha has also completed a four-week pre-college program at Lehigh University, USA.
Sudeeksha shares her story with NDTV, which shows how difficult was it for her to overcome financial and social barriers to fulfill her dream.
How was the journey from Bulandshahr to Babson College?
The biggest hurdle was of limited finance. I was expelled from a private school when I was 9 years old as my father could not pay the fee after which I took admission in the village primary school. This did not go down well with my family and relatives as it was against the custom in my community to send a girl child to study. So, I faced financial challenges while also having to deal with issues and reservations stemming from my gender. When I scored well in my class 5 exams and secured admission in VidyaGyan, I gained my family's support too.
I started 'Voice of Women' initiative a small door-to-door campaign in my village and neighbouring areas to convince parents to send their girls to schools and also campaign against eve teasing.
What is your success mantra?
I believe in hardwork. And I know I am focused and determined enough when I decide to achieve something. Most importantly, it is important to be down-to-earth which shows that we are ready to accept criticism and continue to improve.
Getting into Babson College was the result of continuous efforts and hardwork of 4-5 years. Studying in the US was my dream. I was actively involved in various activities all through my senior school years. I also attended summer programs like Duke TIP (in India) and Pennsylvania School for Global Entrepreneurship (Lehigh University, USA). US colleges evaluate every application holistically; they look for academic excellence, community involvement, extra-curricular, leadership roles, English proficiency, and standardised tests. Honestly, it requires patience and will to put extra efforts. Adding to that, several essays are to be written that demonstrate a student's intellect and related aspects. College analysed my application and offered me admission with Global Scholarship as in provided me with 100% scholarship.
What is your message for the present batch of class 12 students?
Never ever give up. Solve practice papers, analyse previous years' papers and practice speed writing for those who write slowly and have time constraint during exams. Be attentive during lectures. Self-study is instrumental. Do not let distractions like TV, mobile etc. distract you. It is possible only if you have a purpose in your mind and are determined enough to accomplish that.
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A student of VidyaGyan School, an initiative of the Shiv Nadar Foundation, Sudeeksha has scored perfect 100 in History and Economics. She has scored 99 in Geography. Apart from her, other students of her school who have bagged such prestigious scholarships to study abroad are Hemlata Sharma (Bryn Mawr College), Gulesh Shukla (Haverford College) and Piyush Saini (University of Rochester).
Sudeeksha believes that that education is the only weapon that can empower women to have a voice and take charge of their lives.
With her bag full of accolades, Sudeeksha has also completed a four-week pre-college program at Lehigh University, USA.
Sudeeksha shares her story with NDTV, which shows how difficult was it for her to overcome financial and social barriers to fulfill her dream.
How was the journey from Bulandshahr to Babson College?
The biggest hurdle was of limited finance. I was expelled from a private school when I was 9 years old as my father could not pay the fee after which I took admission in the village primary school. This did not go down well with my family and relatives as it was against the custom in my community to send a girl child to study. So, I faced financial challenges while also having to deal with issues and reservations stemming from my gender. When I scored well in my class 5 exams and secured admission in VidyaGyan, I gained my family's support too.
I started 'Voice of Women' initiative a small door-to-door campaign in my village and neighbouring areas to convince parents to send their girls to schools and also campaign against eve teasing.
What is your success mantra?
I believe in hardwork. And I know I am focused and determined enough when I decide to achieve something. Most importantly, it is important to be down-to-earth which shows that we are ready to accept criticism and continue to improve.
Getting into Babson College was the result of continuous efforts and hardwork of 4-5 years. Studying in the US was my dream. I was actively involved in various activities all through my senior school years. I also attended summer programs like Duke TIP (in India) and Pennsylvania School for Global Entrepreneurship (Lehigh University, USA). US colleges evaluate every application holistically; they look for academic excellence, community involvement, extra-curricular, leadership roles, English proficiency, and standardised tests. Honestly, it requires patience and will to put extra efforts. Adding to that, several essays are to be written that demonstrate a student's intellect and related aspects. College analysed my application and offered me admission with Global Scholarship as in provided me with 100% scholarship.
What is your message for the present batch of class 12 students?
Never ever give up. Solve practice papers, analyse previous years' papers and practice speed writing for those who write slowly and have time constraint during exams. Be attentive during lectures. Self-study is instrumental. Do not let distractions like TV, mobile etc. distract you. It is possible only if you have a purpose in your mind and are determined enough to accomplish that.
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