If you are searching for Tamil Nadu (TN) 12th results on internet now, your results for the exams held from March 1 to March 12 have been declared on tnresults.nic.in, dge1.tn.nic.in and dge2.tn.nic.in today. The TN HSC results are available now. The direct link to check the Tamil Nadu +2 results has been provided in this story, which will direct you to the official results links. Right now, the candidates who are searching for the TN 12th results may open the websites mentioned above and check their results from the websites.
According to a DGE Tamil Nadu notification, candidates will be permitted to apply for retotalling in all subjects within the dates prescribed by education department after the publication of TN +2 results. The Department will later note the increase or decrease in the marks on the mark sheets.
"The marks secured by the candidate will be added once again and awarded. Any question left unvalued will be valued and marks will be awarded. Since the answer is valued only during the Re-totalling process," said the official notification.
Retotalling is done for all subjects in Higher Secondary and SSLC examinations on payment of fees.
Tamil Nadu 12th result 2019: Direct links
TN 12th result 2019: DGE Tamil Nadu has released the results today on tnresults.nic.in.
Tamil Nadu 12th result 2019 can be accessed from following link:
Tamil Nadu 12th result direct link
The direct link to check your results will be soon after the TN HSE results declaration.
Tamil Nadu 12th result 2019: How to check
Check for your Tamil Nadu 12th result from official websites following these steps:
Step 1: Go to the links given above
Step 2: Click on the TN 12th results link
Step 3: On next page open, enter your examination registration details
Step 4: Click submit
Step 5: Check your results from next page
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