This Article is From Sep 05, 2017

AIFUCTO, FEDCUTA Teachers To Court Arrest At Jantar Mantar Today

It has been the persistent demand of eight lacs teachers of the country to get the Chouhan Committee Report for 7th PRC published and implement it uniformly and simultaneously across the country at earliest after discussion and dialogue with AIFUCTO and FEDCUTA.

AIFUCTO, FEDCUTA Teachers To Court Arrest At Jantar Mantar Today
AIFUCTO, FEDCUTA Teachers To Court Arrest At Jantar Mantar Today
Education Result
New Delhi: All India Federation of University and College Teachers' Organisations (AIFUCTO) and Federation of Central University Teachers' Associations (FEDCUTA), will be staging a Court Arrest at Jantar-Mantar in Delhi on the occasion of Teacher's Day. Teachers who cannot attend the programme in person have been requested to wear black badges and refrain from attending the Teachers' Day celebrations in their respective institutions to express their solidarity with the protesting teachers and show their disappointment over the present state of affairs. 

It has been the persistent demand of eight lacs teachers of the country to get the Chouhan Committee Report for 7th PRC published and implement it uniformly and simultaneously across the country at earliest after discussion and dialogue with AIFUCTO and FEDCUTA. 

In a joint press statement issued yesterday Prof. Arun Kumar, General Secretary, AIFUCTO and Prof. Nandita Narain , President, FEDCUTA said that the government wants to implement UGC pay scale from back door ignoring Prof. Chouhan Committee recommendations and keeping stake holders in the dark. They said that teachers will expose the ulterior motives of the government in not revealing the content of the 7 PRC because it wants to withdraw all financial responsibility from higher education in the names of HEFA (Higher Education Funding Agency) and HEERA (Higher Education Empowerment Regulatory Authority ) and graded autonomy. 

AIFUCTO and FEDCUTA clearly stated that HEFA, HEERA and Graded Autonomy are formulated by NITI Aayog to push higher education sector towards complete privatization and turn education into a zone of corporate investment. The repeated plea of the government for better research and quality education is a complete farce as one finds severe budget cuts in higher education.  This move is a clearly thought out ploy to deprive a large section of the common people of their right to higher education. 

Teachers of the country have hence united to expose the hidden agenda of the Government and save higher education for common mass. NITI Aayog has already prepared a road map of three years for privatisation and corporatization of education, a move that has to be thwarted at any cost. 

Prof. Kumar and Prof. Narain said that eight lacs university and college teachers of the country are demanding uniform and simultaneous implementation of 7th UGC Pay Scale for all categories of teachers with 100% financial assistance from central government. 

Their other demands include the filling up of all vacant posts on permanent basis, regularisation of service conditions and pay scales of ad-hoc and temporary teachers. Other demands include Old pension scheme for all teachers, removal of anomalies of 6th pay scale, scrapping of API, extension of dates for Refresher and Orientation Courses uptoDecember 31, 2017, and reserve 10% of GDP for education, more power to UGC and AICTE. 

There is also a demand to do away with the notion of Graded Autonomy for Universities and Colleges. And lastly the need for regular dialogue and discussion with AIFUCTO and FEDCUTA in policy matters related to education. 

AIFUCTO & FEDCUTA noted that it was unfortunate that the insensitivity of the government compelled the teachers to take to the streets at Jantar-Mantar in Delhi on "Teachers Day" for Court Arrest for their genuine and long pending demands. 

AIFUCTO and FEDCUTA declared here that if the Central government still does not resolve our issues in near future and agree to discuss our problems, we would be compelled to give call for All India Strike to save higher education and service conditions of the teachers of the country.

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