This Article is From Apr 30, 2017

TNEA 2017: Notification Released, Know your Eligibility

TNEA 2017: Notification Released, Know your Eligibility
Check your eligibility for TNEA 2017
New Delhi: Official notification has been released for Tamil Nadu Engineering Admission (TNEA). Interested candidates can go through the same and check their eligibility properly. The application process will start from 1 May 2017. This is a common application process to seek admission to University Departments and Constituent Colleges of Anna University, Government and Government Aided Engineering Colleges and for the seats surrendered by Self-Financing Engineering Colleges in Tamil Nadu under Unified Single Window Admission System.

Important Instructions
  • Only one online application per candidate, reads the official announcement
  • "Tamil Nadu candidates who have passed VIII, IX, X, XI and XII Std. in Tamil Nadu are eligible to apply. They need not enclose Nativity Certificate."
  • Those who have completed the examinations mentioned above from outside the State, can apply as well. Such candidates shall have to provide Nativity Certificate only in electronic form/digitally signed e-Certificate.
  • Selection will be based on the marks obtained in the prescribed subjects reduced to 200 (Mathematics - 100, Physics  Chemistry - 100) in the qualifying examination.
  • However those candidates who have qualified from CBSE and ICSE (national boards) shall have a different way of selection. The highest mark obtained in the relevant subject by the candidates at the National Level alone will be taken into consideration for normalisation.
The filled-in Online Application shall be downloaded and the printed copy must be submitted either by post or in person to, “The Secretary, TNEA, Anna University, Chennai – 600 025,” along with all the required enclosures.

Candidates can find the official notification at

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