TNEA 2019: The Directorate of Technical Education, Tamil Nadu has released the seat allotment result for TNEA counselling 2019. The allotment result has been released for students who secured ranks between 1 and 9872. All such students who have been allotted a seat in the first list have to confirm their tentative allotment without fail by 5 pm tomorrow, i.e. July 12. Students who fail to confirm their tentative allotment within the given schedule, their allotment will be cancelled automatically.
As per some reports, the allotment information is yet to be uploaded on the official TNEA website.
TNEA Counselling 2019: How To Check Allotment?
Step one: Go to official TNEA website: tneaonline.in
Step two: Enter your login id and password.
Step three: Enter captcha code and submit.
Step four: View your allotment status and confirm or reject the tentative allotment.
Candidates who have been allotted a seat in the first round will have the following options to exercise:
If the choice of an applicant is allotted tentatively, the applicant can exercise the following options:
a) Confirm the tentatively allotted choice
b) Confirm the tentatively allotted choice with upward movement
Upward Movement: If a higher order preferred choice is available during the final allotment, it will be allotted by rank to an applicant who had opted for upward movement without any further confirmation. This option is not applicable if the tentatively allotted choice happens to be the first preferred choice of the applicant.
c) Decline the tentatively allotted choice and opt for upward movement
If a choice is allotted in case of upward movement without any further confirmation, that choice will be allotted to the applicant. Otherwise, the applicant becomes automatically eligible for the next round of counselling, if there are further rounds of counselling. This option is not applicable if the tentatively allotted choice happens to be the first preferred choice of the applicant.
d) Decline the tentatively allotted choice and opt to participate in the next round of counselling as per the next round's vacancy position. This option is not applicable if no further rounds of counselling are available.
e) Quit Counselling
If none of the applicant's choice could be tentatively allotted on the basis of rank, the applicant can exercise the following options:
a) Opt for upward movement: if a choice is allotted in upward movement, it will be allotted to the applicant without any further confirmation. Otherwise, the applicant becomes automatically eligible for the next round of counselling, if there are further rounds of counselling.
b) Opt to participate in the next round of counselling as per the next round's vacancy position. This option is not applicable if there are no further rounds of counselling.
c) Quit Counselling
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