TS EAMCET 2017 Counselling: Options Entry Begins @ Tseamcet.nic.in
New Delhi:
The Telangana State Council of Higher Education has started the web counselling for conducting admission into various Engineering and Pharmacy Courses who passed Intermediate or its Equivalent and qualified in EAMCET (Engineering Agriculture and Medicine Common Entrance Test). The candidates may start options entry from today and this will go on till June 23. Rank holders from 1 to 36000 will be able to enter their options from June 16 to June 17.
Rank holders 36001 to 56000 will be able to exercise their options on June 18 and June 19.
On June 22 and June 23, chance will be given to change options once again if candidates desire so for 1 to Last rankers.
The release of allotments will happen on June 28.
Allotments will be placed in the website https://tseamcet.nic.in on 28-06-2017 after 8:00 P.M
For downloading the candidates allotment order, candidates may enter the ROC Form Number, Hall Ticket Number, Password and Date of Birth in Candidate login in https://tseamcet.nic.in.

TS Eamcet Counselling Schedule 2017: Important Things To Notice
Telangana State Engineering, Agriculture & Medical Common Entrance Test (TS EAMCET) 2017 results were declared on May 22.
TS EAMCET 2017: Web Couselling
For the convenience of the candidates, from academic year 2009-10, government have decided to adopt a total web based counseling procedure where candidate can exercise options. With TS EAMCET web couselling option, candidates can select a college and course intend to study through internet facility available with them and where such facility is not available candidate can approach any one of the TS EAMCET help line centres nearer to them.
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Rank holders 36001 to 56000 will be able to exercise their options on June 18 and June 19.
On June 22 and June 23, chance will be given to change options once again if candidates desire so for 1 to Last rankers.
The release of allotments will happen on June 28.
Allotments will be placed in the website https://tseamcet.nic.in on 28-06-2017 after 8:00 P.M
For downloading the candidates allotment order, candidates may enter the ROC Form Number, Hall Ticket Number, Password and Date of Birth in Candidate login in https://tseamcet.nic.in.
TS EAMCET 2017 Counselling: Options Entry Schedule

TS Eamcet Counselling Schedule 2017: See the dates here
TS Eamcet Counselling Schedule 2017: Important Things To Notice
- More than one candidate should not login from the same Computer/ Browser at the same time.
- After completing options entry, Always LOGOUT properly and close the Browser.
- All candidates can exercise options for minority institutions. However allotment to them will be made subject to availability of seats after exhausting concerned minority students.
Telangana State Engineering, Agriculture & Medical Common Entrance Test (TS EAMCET) 2017 results were declared on May 22.
TS EAMCET 2017: Web Couselling
For the convenience of the candidates, from academic year 2009-10, government have decided to adopt a total web based counseling procedure where candidate can exercise options. With TS EAMCET web couselling option, candidates can select a college and course intend to study through internet facility available with them and where such facility is not available candidate can approach any one of the TS EAMCET help line centres nearer to them.
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