TS EAMCET Counselling 2019: TS EAMCET 2019 option entry process has begun. The last date for TS EAMCET qualified candidates to submit their respective choices is July 8. To exercise options, candidates would need to login using their registration id and password on the TSEAMCET portal, tseamcet.nic.in. After TS EAMCET option entry process, students will be allowed to freeze their options in the online form. Based on the options entered by students and availability of seats, provisional seat allotment result will be published.
After certificate verification for TS EAMCET counselling, students would have received a login id on their registered mobile numbers. This login id will be required at the time of option entry by students.
TS EAMCET 2019 Web Option Entry: Important Points
For TS EAMCET option entry, students should download the list of colleges / branches / districts from the website, tseamcet.nic.in. Take the printout of Manual Option Entry Form from the website. Prepare the Manual Option Entry Form as per your preference duly writing institution code, branch code and district code. This will ease the option entry process and help avoid mistakes and save time while entering web options.
The candidates can exercise options from Home / Internet Centre / Help Line Center (HLC). In case a candidate is exercising options from Internet Centre, make sure that proper logout is done after saving the options to avoid manipulation of the password by the Internet Centre person.
Generate the login Password by clicking on Candidates Registration link in the website. After successful password generation, Login with the details under the link Candidates Login and enter OTP as received in registered Mobile Number.
Refer the Manual Option Entry Form prepared by you and enter the options in the TS EAMCET Counselling website. Candidates are advised to exercise options carefully in the order of priority. The order of priority of options is the important criteria in securing the seat.
Candidate has to exercise as many options as possible to avoid disappointment of not getting a seat. Candidate can exercise and modify the options any number of times within the scheduled dates.
After completing the option entry process satisfactorily, take a printout of final options saved for reference.
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