TS Intermediate Result 2019: TS Inter result for 2nd year IPE March 2019 exam will be released today. The result will be released on the official Telangana State Board of Intermediate Education (TSBIE) website. Before releasing the TS Inter result on the official website, the TS Intermediate result for 2nd year students will be announced in a press conference which will be held at TSBIE premises in Hyderabad. The TS Inter result will be announced by Dr. B. Janardhan Reddy Garu, Education Secretary, Department of Education, Telangana.
The TS Inter result will be released on the following website:
- www.tsbie.cgg.gov.in
- www.bie.telangana.gov.in
- www.exam.bie.telangana.gov.in
- www.results.cgg.gov.in
- www.bie.tg.nic.in
- www.examresults.ts.nic.in
TS Intermediate 2nd Year Result 2019: How to check?
Step one: Go to results website mentioned above.
Step two: Click on the result link for IPE March 2019 exam.
Step three: Select your examination from the drop-down menu.
Step four: Enter your hall ticket number.
Step five: Submit and view your result.
Students can also check their result through the TSBIE app which is available for download on the Google Play Store.
Students will also be able to check their result through other private result hosting websites like Manabadi, India Results, and Exams Net.
In 2018, the pass percentage for 2nd year girl students was 73.25% and for 2nd year boy students was 61%. The overall pass percentage for 2nd year students was 67.24%.
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