This Article is From Mar 26, 2018

UGC Autonomy Move To Hurt Weaker Sections Of Society: AMU Teachers Association

The association said the granting of financial autonomy to universities including AMU made by the Central Government is a calculative move towards the privatisation of higher education.

UGC Autonomy Move To Hurt Weaker Sections Of Society: AMU Teachers Association
The policy would deprive the weaker sections of society of education, AMUTA said.
Aligarh: Aligarh Muslim University Teachers' Association (AMUTA) expressed grave concern and dismay over the announcement of granting 'autonomy' to AMU and many other top universities and colleges, and said the policy would deprive the weaker sections of society of education. The association also observed that the granting of financial autonomy to universities including AMU made by the Central Government is a calculative move towards the privatisation of higher education. 

"It will mortgage higher education in the hands of education mafia and private companies. This policy would deprive the weaker sections of society (about 80%) from higher and technical education," AMUTA said in a resolution passed by the members of its executive committee in a meeting held on March 22, 2018.

In an announcement which was called 'historic', Human Resource Development Minister Prakash Javadekar on last Tuesday said the University Grants Commission (UGC) has granted 52 universities and 8 colleges.

"This is the first step in annihilation of the social purpose of higher education, for the economically and socially deprived sections of the society, as we know it in India. This 'autonomy' shall result in denial of education to those extremely vulnerable and backward groups that AMU has always tried to serve," said a statement from AMUTA.  

The association also emphasized that the struggle to maintain and continue AMU's historically ordained minority character shall be an early casualty. 

"The 'autonomy' has nothing to do with the freedom to teach and learn and engage with ideas. This is an extremely arrogant step that violates the founding principles of Equity and Access in higher education for each and every one," the statement said.

It said that AMU, which is a minority institution, has already been granted functional autonomy by the act of Parliament since 1920, but the current policy of financial 'autonomy' will provide total freedom in the hands of the heads of all autonomous institutions from the rules and regulations and would lead to the exploitation of teachers, Non-teaching staffs and students.

Read: Autonomy In No Way A Step Towards Privatisation; Will Enhance Global Standing Of Our Institutions: Prakash Javadekar

"This will lead to financial anarchy too and would perpetuate corruption in the name of higher education in these central autonomous bodies," it said.

The teachers association has also criticized government's another move being introduced in the financing-pattern of higher education. 

"The grant system is being replaced by loans from HEFA. To repay the loans, fees and routine charges shall have to be increased, again putting burden on the students. That burden will deprive even middle class students from obtaining higher and technical education from the best institutions," it said..

Read also:

UGC Grants Autonomy To 52 Universities: Here's What It Means

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