The UGC NET December 2024 exam will begin from tomorrow, January 3, 2025 and conclude on January 16, 2025. The exam will be held in two shifts- the first shift will be held from 9 am to 12 noon, while the second shift will be conducted from 3 pm to 6 pm. Candidates appearing in the exam are required to follow the below mentioned guidelines to avoid cancellation of their exam.
As per the official release, Unfair Means Practice is an activity that allows a candidate to gain an unfair advantage over other candidates. It includes, but is not limited to:
Being in possession of any item or article which has been prohibited or can be used for Unfair Practices including any stationery item, communication device, accessories, eatable items, ornaments or any other material or information relevant or not relevant to the Examination in the paper concerned.
Using someone to write Examination (impersonation) or preparing material for copying;
Breaching Examination rules or any direction issued by NTA in connection with UGC - NET Examination.
Assisting other candidates to engage in malpractices, giving or receiving assistance directly or indirectly of any kind or attempting to do so.
Writing questions or answers on any material given by the Centre Superintendent for writing answers.
contacting or communicating or trying to do so with any person, other than the Examination Staff, during the examination time in the examination centre.
Threatening any of the officials connected with the conduct of the Examination or threatening any of the candidates.
Using or attempting to use any other undesirable method or means in connection with the examination.
Manipulation and fabrication of online documents viz. Admit Card, Self-Declaration, etc.
Forceful entry in /exit from Examination Centre/Hall.
Use or attempted use of any electronic device after entering the Examination Centre.
Affixing/uploading of wrong/morphed photographs/signatures on the Application Form/Admit Card/Proforma.
Creating obstacles in smooth and fair conduct of examination.
Any other malpractices declared as Unfair Means by the NTA.
An offence punishable under the Public Examinations (Prevention of Unfair Means) Act, 2024