The University Grants Commission or UGC, initiated the concept of National Academic Credit Bank (NAC-BANK) which will be a digital entity to be established and managed by the higher education regulator. The main objective of the NAC-Bank would be to facilitate student mobility across the education system wherein the credits can be accumulated and be used at alter point of time for the requirements of partial fulfilment of a degree program, according to the UGC.
The Commission has released a concept note on NAC-BANK on the UGC website (
It has also invited the views and suggestions from all Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) including teacher, students, education personnel, eminent educationist and public at large on the National Academic Credit Bank (NAC-BANK) by December 20, 2019.
What is a NAC-Bank?
The NAC-Bank may be a service provider available to desirous student community. It may facilitate the integration of the campuses and distributed learning systems, by creating student mobility within inter and intra university system.
The NAC-Bank may help in seamlessly integrating skills and experiences into a credit based formal system by providing a credit recognition mechanism. The NAC-Bank may function like a commercial bank with students as account holders and customers to whom the bank provides a variety of services including credit verification / degree authentication.
The NAC-Bank will be linked to National Academic Depository (NAD).
The NAC-Bank may provide deposit accounts to all the students who are studying in any recognized Higher Education Institute. The academic credits earned by a student in the system can be automatically credited to their account and after accumulation of credits to certain level(s) a student can accrue and redeem the credits for any academic program at any convenient time.
Here, academic program is an educational program leading to the award of a degree, diploma or certificate.
The NAC-Bank will serve as an online storehouse of student's data and their credits earned.
This will facilitate students who want to consolidate their academic records for employment or educational purposes.
The NAC-Bank may also be helpful to employers or institutions to recognize the already earned credits by the concerned student and to all institutional members of the system. All credits required for an award of certification will be available through NAC-Bank educational transcript. The transcript may also mention specific grades to indicate performance level of the concerned student for each module or unit or for whole qualification and it may also reveal how difficult the particular module was.
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