In a move to educate various stakeholders in the higher education system, the University Grants Commission (UGC) has prepared a list of information that should be uploaded on the website of the universities.
M Jagadesh Kumar, chairman, University Grants Commission, explains, " Of late different stakeholders in higher education system such as prospective students, parents, research scholars, government officials, alumni and public at large desire to seek certain basic information from the websites of different universities/Higher Educational Institutes. We have found that the websites of several universities lack not only in providing basic minimum information related to their university but also at many a times their websites are not functional and updated."
The decision therefore to direct universities and higher educational institutions for uploading basic information is being taken to avoid the inconveniences and uncertainties caused to the stakeholders, he added.
As per the University Grants Commission, the following information is the minimum mandatory disclosure for universities to be uploaded at their respective website.
About HEI/University
About us: Overview
Act and Statutes or MoA
Institutional Development Plan
Annual Reports
Constituent Units/ Affiliated Colleges, Off campus/Off shore campus (Wherever applicable)
Accreditation/ Ranking (NAAC, NIRF)
Administration (Profiles with photographs)
University Organogram Chart
Vice Chancellor
Pro-Vice-Chancellor (wherever applicable)
Finance Officer
Controller of Examination
Chief Vigilance Officer
Executive Council, Academic Council, Board of Studies, Finance Committee
Academic Leadership (Dean/HoD of Schools/Departments/ Centres)
Academic Programmes
Academic Calendar
Schools/Departments/ Centres
Department/School/Centre wise faculty details with photographs
Library: Basic information at a glance
Admissions and Fee
Prospectus (Provide link and upload soft copy of Prospectus)
Admissions (provide link)
Admission guidelines for international students (wherever applicable)
Fee structure for various programs
Fee refund policy
Research and Development Cell
Foreign Collaboration (wherever applicable)
Industry Collaborations 89
Central facilities
Shodhganga and Shodhgangotri (provide links)
Student Support Services
Fellowships/ Scholarships (provide details)
Academic Bank of Credits (provide link)
Digi Locker NAD Portal (provide link)
National Scholarship Portal (provide link)
Campus Harmony and Well Being
e-Samadhaan (Provide link)
Student Grievance Redressal Committee (SGRC)
Internal Quality Assurance Cell
Internal Complaint Committee
Anti-Ragging Cell with Helpline number
Equal Opportunity Cell
Socio-Economically Disadvantaged Group Cell (SEDG)
Alumni Association (provide link of portal wherever applicable)
Alumni Co-ordination Cell
Information Corner
RTI: Details of CPIO and Appellate authority (wherever applicable)
Circular and Notices
News, Recent events & Achievements
Job openings
Reservation Roster (wherever applicable)
Contact us
Details with Phone Number, Official Email ID and Address
Telephone Directory