UPMSP Compartment Exam Date 2024: The Uttar Pradesh Madhyamik Shiksha Parishad (UPMSP) in Prayagraj has released the dates for the UPMSP 10th and 12th compartment/improvement exams for 2024.
These exams will be conducted on July 20.
Students must download their admit cards by visiting the council's site, www.upmsp.edu.in. They are required to enter their login credentials such as ID and password. Students can also obtain a copy from the principal of their registered school and reach the examination center on the scheduled date, 45 minutes before the commencement of the examination.
Class 12 compartment exams will take place in the afternoon session from 2 pm to 5.15 pm. Meanwhile, the Class 10 compartment exams will be held in the morning session from 8 am to 11.15 am.
UP Board 10th, 12th Compartment Exam: Important Guidelines
Candidates are completely prohibited from carrying mobile phones, pagers, or any other electronic devices inside the examination hall. During the examination, CCTV cameras with voice recorders and routers will remain fully functional in the rooms.
The overall arrangements for the maintenance of question papers at the examination centers will be made in a double-locked cupboard in the designated strong room, similar to the main examination. The strong room will be under CCTV surveillance with a functional voice recorder 24/7.
Question paper packets will be opened and distributed under the surveillance of CCTV cameras in the presence of the center administrator, outer center administrator, and static magistrate.