UP Board exam for 2020 will begin with Hindi paper for both classes 10 and 12. The exam for class 10 students will be held in the morning session and exam for class 12 students will be held in the afternoon session. Students in both classes will get 15 minutes before the exam to read the question paper.
Students who will appear for their Hindi exam tomorrow should keep the following points in mind to make their exam experience hassle-free and to score good marks in exam.
1. Reach the exam centre on time and carry your admit card and necessary stationery. Apart from the essentials do not carry any such item which may get you debarred from the exam.
2. Students in both classes will get 15 minutes' time before the exam to read the question paper. Utilize this time to read the questions and instructions carefully.
3. While attempting the paper, try to answer questions in serial order, however it is not mandatory. If you are not attempting the questions in serial order, then make sure that you mark each answer correctly.
4. UP Board class 12 Hindi question paper will have two parts. Both parts are mandatory. Make sure you attempt both the parts.
5. Some questions will come with internal options. In such cases, read the instruction given with the question carefully and then answer. Also, re-check if you have not left any part of a question unanswered.
6. Write to-the-point answers, specially for questions which carry one or two marks.
7. Day before the exam, practice at least one sample paper.
8. Do not get down revising everything and revising only the important points from each section.
9. While attempting a language paper, it is very important to write correct spellings and follow a coherent structure when writing a sentence.
10. Finally, do not forget to rest. Lack of sleep can affect your brain's capability to focus and may affect your performance in the exam adversely.
UP Board Class 10 Hindi Sample Paper
UP Board Class 12 Hindi Sample Paper
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