If you are here to know how to download your UP Board result, the Uttar Pradesh Board of Secondary Education (UP Board or UPMSP) has made various facilities for you to check your results. The Board has made several websites (upmsp.edu.in and upresults.nic.in) available for downloading the UP Board results online along with app facility and messaging service. There is a chance that the website of UP Board might not be opening right now as it happens with most major academic results declaration. Try the options given below to check your UP Board result:
UP Board result 2019: Websites
Though the official websites stop responding during the initial moments of results declaration, the websites get back after the initial rush is over.
Here are two websites you may login into access the UP Board results:
If the results are not available or the websites are not opening, the candidates may access the results from private portals. There are several private portals which are hosting the Board results, especially, UP Board result 2019. The candidate may check their results initially from the private websites, however, they should cross check their results from the official websites when they are back. The results can be checked from private portals like examresults.net.
UP Board result 2019: App
The candidates may download the app "U.P Board Result 2019" and check UP Board results from the app after it has been announced officially.
UP Board Result 2019: How to get result via SMS
To get UP board result for Class 10 and Class 12 through SMS, type UP10roll number and send the message to 56263.
The scorecard will be sent to the phone inbox.