Schools in Uttar Pradesh will not charge advance fee and transportation fee form students during the lockdown. The Uttar Pradesh Madhyamik Shiksha Parishad (UPMSP) has directed schools not to ask for advance fee or charge transportation fee from students during the lockdown period.
The Parishad has also given express instructions that schools will not cut names of students from the enrollment register who fail to pay fee on time.
लॉकडाउन के दौरान विद्यार्थियों के हित की सुरक्षा हेतु प्रतिबद्ध है उ० प्र० सरकार। pic.twitter.com/GphXID9EgS
— Dr Dinesh Sharma BJP (@drdineshbjp) April 23, 2020
The decision will come as a great relief to parents, who were largely worried about paying school fee during the coronavirus lockdown.
While, the decision was hailed by most, some parents pointed out that some of the schools had already taken the school fee including the transportation fee till June 2020.
सिटी मोन्टेसरी के प्रबंधक द्वारा परिवहन फीस और स्कूल फीस जून तक ऐडवांस ले लिया गया है,माननीय उप मुख्यमंत्री जी तनिक इस पे भी विचार करें
— Dr.Amrit Rai Social Worker???????? (@DrAmritRai1) April 23, 2020
One user on twitter said that some convent schools have added the transportation fee into the tuition fee and are calling it composite fee, thus charging both tuition fee and transportation fee together.
कान्वेंट स्कूलों ने इस आदेश के बाद परिवहनशुल्क को ट्यूशन शुल्क में ऐड कर दियाहै तथा एकनया नाम दे दिया गया है कम्पोजिटफीस। श्रीमान जी कृपया इस पर भी विचार करते हुए आमनागरिक को कुछ राहत देनेकी कृपा करें। नए नए हथकंडे अपनाये जा रहे है कान्वेंटस्कूल प्रवंधको द्वारा इस कठिन समय मे भी
— Ved Prakash Gupta (@VedPrak57818061) April 23, 2020
Earlier, on April 21, the state Education Minister Dr. Dinesh Sharma had tweeted that schools have been instructed not to charge transportation fee for the duration the schools were closed. The ambit of the order was increased to include advance tuition fee too.
विद्यालयों द्वारा लॉक डाउन की अवधि में/ विद्यालय बंद रहने तक छात्र छात्राओं से परिवहन शुल्क न लिया जाए ,इस आशय का आदेश माध्यमिक शिक्षा विभाग उत्तर प्रदेश द्वारा जारी किया गया है।
— Dr Dinesh Sharma BJP (@drdineshbjp) April 21, 2020
Several state governments have taken similar decision and directed schools, private and government, not to demand advance school fee from students during the lockdown period.
Meanwhile, UPMSP, to minimize the loss of studies, has begun online classes for students through WhatsApp. Separate groups have been created for teachers to stay in contact with students and share lessons with them. The Education Department also prepared special e-content for this purpose which has been shared with the teachers through WhatsApp. Parents and guardians can also be part of the groups and stay updated.
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