UPSC CDS 2024 Final Result: The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has announced the final results of the Combined Defence Services Examination (I), 2024. A total of 237 candidates have been selected for various defence academies, including the Indian Military Academy (IMA), Indian Naval Academy (INA), and Air Force Academy (AFA).
UPSC CDS 1 Results 2024: Steps To Download
Step 1. Visit the official UPSC website, upsc.gov.in
Step 2. On the homepage, under the 'What's New' section, click on "Final Results: Combined Defence Services Examination (I), 2024"
Step 3. A new page will open
Step 4. Open the PDF in the 'Documents' section
Step 5. Check your roll number and save the result
Step 6. Take a printout for future reference
UPSC CDS Exam 2 2024: Exam Structure
The selection process consists of a written test and an interview.
Written Examination: Subjects And Marks
For admission to the Indian Military Academy, Indian Naval Academy, and Air Force Academy:
English: 2 hours, 100 marks
General Knowledge: 2 hours, 100 marks
Elementary Mathematics: 2 hours, 100 marks
For admission to the Officers' Training Academy:
English: 2 hours, 100 marks
General Knowledge: 2 hours, 100 marks
The maximum marks for both the written examination and the interview are the same for each course. Specifically, the maximum marks are 300 each for the Indian Military Academy, Indian Naval Academy, and Air Force Academy, and 200 each for the Officers' Training Academy.