Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has released the notification for Combined Defence Services (CDS) Examination (I), 2020. The last date to apply for UPSC CDS Exam (I) 2020 is November 19, 2019 till 6:00 pm. The minimum educational qualification required for eligibility is a degree obtained from a recognized institute or university. Through the CDS examination, UPSC selects candidates for admission to Indian Military Academy, Dehradun, Indian Naval Academy, Ezhimala, Air Force Academy, Hyderabad, and Officers' Training Academy, Chennai.
After the application process sis over, candidates will be able to avail the facility to withdraw their application from November 26 to December 3, 2019.
UPSC CDS Exam (I) 2020 Notification
For admission to I.M.A. and Officers' Training Academy, Chennai, applicants need a Degree from a recognised University or equivalent. For Indian Naval Academy, an applicant must have a Degree in Engineering from a recognised University/Institution. In case of Air Force Academy, candidate must have a Degree of a recognised University (with Physics and Mathematics at 10+2 level) or Bachelor of Engineering.
Candidates should refer to the official advertisement for conditions related to age, gender, and marital status.
UPSC will conduct a written examination followed by an Interview for intelligence and personality test for shortlisted candidates. The admit card will be released three weeks prior to the written examination.
Women candidates should note that they are eligible only for Short Service Commission (Non-Technical) course at Officers Training Academy, Chennai.
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