The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has declared the written exam result of the Combined Defence Services (CDS) Exam. A total of 7,081 candidates have qualified the written test and are eligible for the interview. The written test was held on February 2. The interview will be held by the Service Selection Board or the SSB.
Candidates who have qualified the written test should submit original certificates to official authorities. Details in this regard can be found in the result notification.
"The original Certificates are to be submitted within two weeks of completion of the SSB Interview and not later than 13th November, 2020 for AFA and not later than 01st January, 2021 for IMA and not later than 01st January, 2021 for admission to NA (1st April, 2021 in case of SSC only)," the notice released by the UPSC reads.
"The candidates must not send the original Certificates to the Union Public Service Commission," the notification adds.
The interview dates are likely to be announced after April 15, as the UPSC has postponed interviews for all ongoing recruitment in view of coronavirus.
The first CDS 2020 is being held for admission to Indian Military Academy, Dehradun 150th Course commencing in January, 2021; Indian Naval Academy, Ezhimala, Kerala, Course commencing in January, 2021; Air Force Academy, Hyderabad (Pre-Flying) Training Course (209 F(P)) commencing in January, 2021; Officers Training Academy, Chennai 113th SSC Course (NT)(for Men) commencing in April, 2021 and Officers Training Academy, Chennai, 27th SSC Women (Non-Technical) Course commencing in April, 2021.
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