Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has released the admit cards for the National Defence Academy and Naval Academy Examination (II) 2019. The examination will be held on November 17, 2019. The e-admit cards for the exam has been uploaded on the UPSC website.
On the day of the examination, candidates will have to carry a valid photo identity proof along with their e-admit card.
In case, the photograph is not visible or blurred or not available on the NDA Admit Card, candidates are advised to carry two identical photographs (one photograph for each session).
In case of any other discrepancy in the e-Admit Card, candidates are advised to contact the Commission immediately at e-mail ID usnda-upsc@nic.in latest by 4th November, 2019 to enable the Commission to take a decision in the matter.
Candidates are also advised to bring Black Ball Point Pen on the day of the examination as they will be required to fill the Attendance List and mark the answers in the OMR Answer Sheet with Black Ball Point Pen only.
The approximate number of vacancies which will be filled through this recruitment is 415. The number includes 370 vacancies in National Defence Academy, and 45 vacancies in Naval Academy.
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