UPSC NDA and NA 2017 Exam application
New Delhi:
Union Public Service Commission released the notification for National Defence Academy (NDA) and Naval Academy (NA) on January 18. The last date to apply for the exam is today. Candidates must apply for the exam on the official website before 6:00 pm today. The application process is completely online and candidates should keep in mind to fill the form correctly. The website might pose loading issues since it is the last date to fill the application form.
To apply, candidates will have to first register on the UPSC website and then fill the application form. The application fee can be remitted both offline and online. However, since it's the last day of application, candidates must pay the fee online only.
Candidates who complete the application process on time, will be issued an admit card three weeks before the exam. The written examination is scheduled on April 23, 2017.
UPSC NDA and NA Exam 2017: Important points about the Exam
With the closing of the application process, the countdown to the examination begins. Here are some important points which you must keep in mind while appearing for the exam:
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To apply, candidates will have to first register on the UPSC website and then fill the application form. The application fee can be remitted both offline and online. However, since it's the last day of application, candidates must pay the fee online only.
Candidates who complete the application process on time, will be issued an admit card three weeks before the exam. The written examination is scheduled on April 23, 2017.
UPSC NDA and NA Exam 2017: Important points about the Exam
With the closing of the application process, the countdown to the examination begins. Here are some important points which you must keep in mind while appearing for the exam:
- There will be a penalty of one-third of the total marks allotted to a question in case of a wrong answer. There will be no deduction in marks for unanswered questions. So avoid making guesses while attempting a question.
- Use only black ball pen to fill details and mark answers in the OMR sheet. Carry at least two black ball pens to the exam center.
- The written exam will have two papers - Mathematics and General Ability Test. The duration of the exam will be 2.5 hours for each paper.
- The Paper I (Mathematics) will have 120 questions carrying 300 marks. Paper II (General Ability Test) will have 150 questions carrying 600 marks.
- General Ability Test will have two sections - English language (200 marks) and General Knowledge (400 marks)
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