Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has released the list of NDA (II) 2019 applicants whose application fee has not been received by the Commission. The application of such candidates has been rejected and the Commission has already sent an e-mail in this regard to affected candidates. The list includes names of 146 applicants and one test application.
Candidates can and should check the list which is available on the official UPSC website.
Candidates whose application has been rejected can make an appeal against rejection of their application within 10 days from publication of the list. The appeal should reach the Commission by September 20, 2019.
The appeal should be submitted along with the documentary evidence by Speed Post OR by hand to the following address:
Smt. Kripa Anna Ekka
Under Secretary(NDA)
Union Public Service Commission
Hall No. 1, Examination Building
Dholpur House, Shahjahan Road
New Delhi - 110 069
What are documentary evidences for fee payment?
Candidates who have paid/deposited the fee through cash mode in the State Bank of India / designated banks, should submit the bank pay-in-slip (in original).
Candidates who have paid the fee through debit /credit card or through internet banking of authorized banks, please submit a copy of your Debit / Credit Card statement or Bank Account Statement as the case may be.
"On receipt of documentary proof, genuine fee payment cases will be considered and applications will be revived, if otherwise eligible," reads the UPSC notification.
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