UPSC Releases Admit Card For NDA And NA Examination (I) 2018
New Delhi:
Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has released the e-admit cards for the National Defence Academy and Naval Academy Examination (I), 2018. The admit cards are available on the official website and candidates will be able to download the hall tickets till April 22, 2018. Candidates would be able to download their admit cards using either their registration number or roll number. Candidates who have applied for the exam should go through the information mentioned on their admit card carefully and inform concerned authorities in case of any discrepancy. The exam will be conducted on April 22.
How to download NDA and NA Examination (I) 2018 Admit Card?
Step one: Go to official UPSC website: www.upsc.gov.in
Step two: Click on "e - Admit Card: National Defence Academy & Naval Academy (I) Examination, 2018" in the 'What's New' option from the homepage
Step three: Click on the "click here" option given in the next page
Step four: Enter either you 'Registration Id' or 'Roll Number' in the next page and submit the required details.
Step five: Download your admit card.
All such candidates who are facing any difficulty in downloading their admit card, should check the following points:
1. Admit Card Application is best suitable on latest versions of Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox Browsers.
2. Javascript should be enabled on your browser.
3. Do not use mobile or other gadgets for downloading e-ADMITCARD.Preferably use Windows OS on Desktop Machine.
4. If you are having problem in downloading e-Admitcard using suggested browsers then clear the cache and cookies of browser using browser setting. In case if you are still unable to download the e-Admitcard then please try to download the admitcard using other computer machine.
5. If the candidate is blocked by the server in case of repetitive downloading please contact UPSC ADMINISTRATOR immediately through e-mail: - web-upsc@nic.in to unblock the downloading.
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How to download NDA and NA Examination (I) 2018 Admit Card?
Step one: Go to official UPSC website: www.upsc.gov.in
Step two: Click on "e - Admit Card: National Defence Academy & Naval Academy (I) Examination, 2018" in the 'What's New' option from the homepage
Step three: Click on the "click here" option given in the next page
Step four: Enter either you 'Registration Id' or 'Roll Number' in the next page and submit the required details.
Step five: Download your admit card.
All such candidates who are facing any difficulty in downloading their admit card, should check the following points:
1. Admit Card Application is best suitable on latest versions of Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox Browsers.
2. Javascript should be enabled on your browser.
3. Do not use mobile or other gadgets for downloading e-ADMITCARD.Preferably use Windows OS on Desktop Machine.
4. If you are having problem in downloading e-Admitcard using suggested browsers then clear the cache and cookies of browser using browser setting. In case if you are still unable to download the e-Admitcard then please try to download the admitcard using other computer machine.
5. If the candidate is blocked by the server in case of repetitive downloading please contact UPSC ADMINISTRATOR immediately through e-mail: - web-upsc@nic.in to unblock the downloading.
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