Veer Bahadur Singh Purvanchal University (VBSPU), Jaunpur, a state University in Uttar Pradesh has released the annual session result for Undergraduate and Postgraduate courses offered by the University. The annual session results can be viewed from the results link provided on the University's official website. The result shave been released for B.Sc.,BA. B.Com., BPE, M.Sc., M.Com., and MA courses. Result is also available for single subjects for all three years in graduation.
VBSPU UG, PG Result 2019: How To Check?
Step one: Go to official website for VBSPU: www.vbspu.ac.in.
Step two: Click on the results tab provided on the home page.
Step three: Click on the result link for your course.
Step four: Enter your roll number, security answer.
Step five: Submit and view your result.
Meanwhile, the university has also begun admission process for its various courses. The entrance test for admission will be conducted on June 11 and 12 and the result for the entrance test will be released on June 21. The admission process for selected candidates will be conducted from July 1 to July 5.
Purvanchal University, Jaunpur renamed as Veer Bahadur Singh Purvanchal University (in the honour of late Shri Veer Bahadur Singh, former Chief Minister of the state), was established on 2nd October 1987 as an affiliating university under U.P. state university act 1973.
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