WBBME result 2019: West Bengal results of High Madrasah, Alim and Fazil examinations held February have been released today. The West Bengal Madrasah results are published on Thursday, May 16, 2019 at 12 Noon. The Madrasah results can be found on official website, wbresults.nic.in and also on exametc.com. While HM and Alim examinations in West Bengal are equivalent to Madhyamik examinations conducted by the West Bengal Board of Secondary Education (WBBSE), Fazil is equivalent to Higher secondary examination conducted by the West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education (WBCHSE).
West Bengal Madrasah results 2019: Direct link
West Bengal Madrasah results Direct link
West Bengal Madrasah results 2019: How to check

WBBME West Bengal Madrasah results announced @ wbbme.org, wbresults.nic.in and exametc.com
West Bengal Board of Madrasha Education Madrasah results for High Madrasah, Alim and Fazil examinations can be checked following these steps:
Step 1: Visit the official website, wbresults.nic.in
Step 2: Click on the West Bengal Madrasa results link provided on the homepage
"Result of High Madrasah, Alim and Fazil Examination-2019"
Step 3: Click on any of the following options of your choise
1. High Madrasah Examination
2. Alim Examination
3. Fazil Examination
Step 4: On next page open, enter your roll number and date of birth
Step 5: Submit and check your West Bengal Madrasa results
Students can check their HM, Alim or Fazil result from the board's official website - wbbme.org or from the official results portal for the exams conducted in west Bengal - wbresults.nic.in.
Meanwhile, the West Bengal Madhyamik results are expected next week.
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