10 Online Courses Offered By IIT-Delhi

Image: iitd.ac.in

 26 June 2024

 IIT-Delhi offers various online courses. One of them is a Certificate Programme in Project Management designed for individuals looking to enhance their project management skills

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Then comes, the Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Industry certification course focuses on applying AI and ML in industrial settings

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The professional certificate Programme in FinTech is a comprehensive course designed to provide professional skills and knowledge in finance and technology

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The certificate programme in Digital VLSI Design caters to those interested in the field of chip design and digital VLSI

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The executive programme in Product Innovation & Design Thinking for Business Growth helps professionals innovate and apply design thinking in business

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Geared towards management students, the executive programme in Operations Management and Analytics covers operations management and analytics

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The executive programme in Brand Management is aimed at enhancing brand management skills

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The executive programme in Healthcare for Industry is designed for professionals in the healthcare industry

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The certificate programme in Data Science & Machine Learning is aimed at science professionals, covering data science and machine learning

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The Data Analytics for Business Applications programme focuses on applying data analytics in business contexts

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