Explained: The G7 - What It Is And Its Role

Image: @G7/X

16 June 2024

The G7 is an informal association of wealthy western nations without a permanent administrative structure or legal standing

Image: @G7/X

Each year, one of its member countries takes on the presidency, determining priorities and organising summits

Image: @G7/X

The G7 consists of the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, and Japan, with the European Union also participating

Image: @G7/X

Russia joined in 1997, expanding the group to the G8, but was suspended in 2014 following its annexation of Crimea

Image: @KremlinRussia_E

Originally focused on economic and financial issues like the oil crises, the G7 expanded its agenda in the 1980s to include political matters

Image: g7/Instagram

Annual summits, which have facilitated the initiation of new rounds of global trade negotiations, have also undertaken efforts to alleviate the debts of the world's poorest nation

Image: g7/Instagram

This year, Italy hosted the G7 Summit

Image: @G7/X

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