These US Universities Offer Free Education

Image: Harvard University/FB

24 March 2025

Several US universities offer free education, enabling economically weaker students to study abroad and secure high-paying jobs

Image: Harvard University/FB

In line with other top institutions, Harvard University has expanded its financial aid programme

Image: Harvard University/FB

The university is now offering free education to students from families earning less than $200,000 annually

Image: Harvard University/FB

Alongside Harvard, MIT, UPenn, and the University of Texas System also offer tuition-free or subsidised education

Image: Harvard University/FB

Instead of relying on student loans, these universities provide financial support through grants and scholarships

Image: Harvard University/FB

Each institution has its own eligibility criteria, primarily based on family income and assets

Image: Harvard University/FB

Some colleges exclude home equity, easing aid eligibility for middle-income families

Image: Harvard University/FB

Currently, more than 100 public and private universities in the US provide tuition-free education to eligible students

Image credit: ut_system/Instagram

MIT and the University of Pennsylvania recently raised their income eligibility threshold to $ 200,000

Image: University of Pennsylvania/instagram

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Image: University of Pennsylvania/instagram