UPSC Posts Vacant In The Country
15 Dec 2024
The country has currently over 1,000 vacant posts of IAS and more than 500 unoccupied for IPS officers
As on January 1, 2024, of the total sanctioned strength of 6,858 IAS, there were 5,542 officers in-position
Nearly 4,469 IPS officers were working against their sanctioned strength of 5,055
Image: Pixabay
Of the 1,316 vacant posts of IAS, 794 were meant for direct recruit and 522 were promotion posts
Image: Pixabay
Of the 586 vacant IPS posts, 209 were for direct recruit and 377 were promotion posts
Image: Pixabay
There are 2,151 Indian Forest Service officers in-position against their sanctioned strength of 3,193
Image: Pixabay
UPSC conducts civil services exam annually to screen eligible candidates for IAS, IPS and IFS officers in the country