This Article is From Oct 05, 2017

World Teachers' Day 2017: 7 Teachers Who Became Renowned Authors

A teacher has to deal with different issues which are not restricted to just infrastructure or teaching, which is why teachers often turn up to be amazing writers. Their experience in teaching helps them in developing a unique perspectives which then finds a way into their stories and poems.

World Teachers' Day 2017: 7 Teachers Who Became Renowned Authors
World Teachers' Day 2017: 7 Teachers Who Became Renowned Authors
New Delhi: The world celebrates the World Teachers' day or International teachers' Day today. The day is celebrated exactly one month after Teacher's Day celebrations in India. Educators and teachers deserve as many days dedicated to them as possible. Teaching as profession is not only challenging but also often exhausting. A teacher's job is not limited to just instructing but guiding students toward a better life. A teacher has to deal with different issues which are not restricted to just infrastructure or teaching, which is why teachers often turn up to be amazing writers. Their experience in teaching helps them in developing a unique perspectives which then finds a way into their stories and poems.

This International Teachers' day we have curated a mall list of some authors who were also teachers. 

1. Socrates: Not technically a teacher and an author Socraets does deserve a place on this list. Socrates is mostly known for his philosophies which had a profound impact on most ancient and modern philosophies. Most of Socrates' discourses are recorded by Plato and Xenophon. 

2. Pearl S. Buck: Pearl S. Buck is an American author who won Nobel Prize for literature 1938. He was the first American female Nobel Laurette. While she was married to John Lossing Buck and was in Nanking, China, she taught English at Universities. 

3. Robert Frost: The poet who wrote the immortal lines "And miles to go, before I sleep", taught at a high school and eventually went on to teach at Amherst College as an English Professor. 

4. J.K. Rowling: J.K. Rowling who created exemplary teachers such as Professor McGonagall, Professor Lupin, and Albus Dumbledore was herself a teacher. She taught English as second language in Portugal. 

5. Dan Brown: Brown who has churned many thrillers once taught English and Spanish in his hometown. 

6. William Golding: Golding wrote 'The Lord of the Flies', perhaps the most nihilistic portrayal of human nature. Unsurprisingly, he taught English and Philosophy.

7. Wally Lamb: Lamb's 'She's Come Undone' was New York Times Bestseller and was also named the Book of the Month by Oprah. Wally Lamb wrote the book while teaching English at Norwich Free Academy and would often read out aloud parts from his manuscript to his students. 

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