This Article is From Apr 11, 2014

Congress complains to Election Commission over Narendra Modi wife issue

New Delhi: The Congress today complained to the Election Commission over Narendra Modi mentioning wife's name for the first time in poll affidavit. Congress leader Kapil Sibal today addressed a press conference in Delhi, here are the highlights:

  • I want to clarify that Congress doesn't raise any individuals issue, nor do we want to do that
  • In 2001 Modi became a candidate in Gujarat, then in 2002, 2007 and 2010 he bace a candidate from Maninagar
  • A rule in Form 26 says he should also disclose his wife's assets and also about his marital status to the Election Commission. But he left it blank in earlier instances
  • In the earlier elections, he never mentioned it which is a legal responsibility
  • Then came the issue of Snoopgate
  • He is the Chief Minister and the prime ministerial candidate of BJP which is a high designation
  • He didn't abide by the law
  • Why did he bring it in front of the nation today? There is no answer to that as well
  • The affidavits filed earlier are all false
  • We have complained to Election Commission about the same and asked for a probe
  • He didn't furnish these details earlier as per Election Commission's guidelines
  • In 2014, he disclosed that he indeed was married
  • The Election Commission is liable to take action
  • It is a matter of concern as he is an aspirant for the office of PM
  • If he didn't give info about his marital status, we are a little concerned how then do we put the trust of the nation in his hands
  • There may be many other things that he may have not disclosed
  • Forthrightness, integrity and disclosing all facts