Jyotiraditya Scindia, the union power minister faces a stiff challenge in Guna from the BJP's Jaibhan Singh Pavaiya, former president of the Bajrang Dal, an affiliate of the Rashtriya Swayamsewak Sangh, or the RSS. Mr Pavaiya is a former MP, who had forced Jyotiraditya's father Madhavrao to shift to Guna from Gwalior after forcing him to sweat it out for a narrow victory in 1998. In 1999, Mr Pavaiya became the MP from Gwalior.
Constituency: Guna, Madhya Pradesh
Party: Congress
Age: 43
Education: Post Graduate
Assets: Rs 330,888,751
Constituency: Guna, Madhya Pradesh
Party: Congress
Age: 43
Education: Post Graduate
Assets: Rs 330,888,751
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