This Article is From May 27, 2014

Prime Minister Narendra Modi visits Manmohan Singh

New Delhi: In a special gesture, Prime Minister Narendra Modi today visited his predecessor Manmohan Singh. The meeting has been described as a "courtesy call".

Mr Modi, who took charge this morning, drove to 3, Motilal Nehru Place, the new address of Dr Singh, to meet him this evening.

He was received by Dr Singh and his wife Gursharan Kaur who shifted to the new residence after attending the swearing-in ceremony of Mr Modi at the Rashtrapati Bhawan on Monday evening. Dr Singh vacated his 7, Race Course Road, residence after 10 years.

Mr Modi has not yet moved into the Race Course Road residence and is staying put in Gujarat Bhawan. He is likely to shift a few days later as the new residence is being refurbished, according to sources.
