In an exclusive interview, BJP leader Uma Bharti says she wanted to contest both Raebareli and Jhansi, but is not disappointed at the party's decision and will still campaign in Raebareli for BJP candidate Ajay Agarwal. She tells NDTV that Sonia Gandhi's meeting with Shahi Imam can't be compared with yoga guru Ramdev's relations with the BJP. The firebrand leader also speaks on Narendra Modi, Jaswant Singh and whether Hindutva has a resonance in this election.
Following are the highlights of the interview:
Following are the highlights of the interview:
- Will go to Raebareli and campaign against Sonia Gandhi. The aim is to defeat her, will campaign for Ajay Agarwal
- I wanted to contest both seats, Raebareli and Jhansi, not choose one
- How can you compare Sonia Gandhi meeting Shahi Imam with Baba Ramdev's relation with the BJP? Baba Ramdev is a yogi and a social worker, not a religious leader interfering in politics...
- I was praising Narendra Modi, the media twisted my comments on his oratory skills
- My criticism of Mr Modi is old. I called Modi a Vinash Purush in 2007 when I was not with the BJP; it's unfair to quote that. Even America has changed its views about Modi
- No conflict now between Modi and Advani. Modi is like a son to him and I'm witness to that
- Jaswant Singh should remember he is the one who threw me out for indiscipline. He is a soldier. Why did he forget his own discipline?
- The country surviving because of Hindutva. The country is secular because of Hindutva. I'm secular because I'm a Hindu
- Hindutva is not opposed to development
- Good governance is Bijli-Pani-Sadak - that is 'Ram Rajya' and 'Ram Rajya' is Hindutva
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